Application Process

You can be assured the entire Hubbard Bowers team will work with passion and drive to meet your needs and give you peace of mind that you have come to the right place.

Application Process

To start the application process:

Click on the “For Rent” page at the top of the screen,

Once on the rental property page find the property you are interested in renting,
Click “Apply to Rent” next to the property you are interested in renting

Hubbard Bowers requires all new tenants to maintain a renter’s insurance policy. A copy of the policy must be provided to Hubbard Bowers before taking occupancy of a property.

The following items must be completed in order to secure your application:

Applicants must have no prior eviction filings or criminal background, and must have a credit score of 700 or higher with no collections.

Please be aware application may take 3-5 business days from date of submission to process.

When Approved

The following are prohibited

Please check the online listing or call the office to determine if the property allows pets.

Application Cancellation Policy

Application must be cancelled within 24 hours of receipt of security deposit for deposit to be returned

Rent Payment

All properties are leased in “as is” condition. Painting may not be allowed, so contact Hubbard Bowers with any questions before making a final decision.